ignition switch help needed


Registered User
my sons 94 is having a problem car wil not shut off with key just keeps running i believe it to be ignition switch related i had him buy a new switch cylinder went in fine car starts fine but problem still exists any ideas what to look at next ??

yeah thanks he got the switch with the wires off and appears the plastic piece that moves slider back and forth only moves forward with key turn and does not move at all when turning key to off position what is the procedure to fix that deal ? he is in texas and im in fla so its tough to visualize
yeah thanks he got the switch with the wires off and appears the plastic piece that moves slider back and forth only moves forward with key turn and does not move at all when turning key to off position what is the procedure to fix that deal ? he is in texas and im in fla so its tough to visualize

Those are common fails on our cars now that they're older, I think. Time for replacement.

Get a new one and follow the included instructions - the only thing hard about it is having to work under the dash, so be sure to slide the seat to the rear - might help to remove the steering wheel bezel (three screws from below) too.

AutoZone $14 (for a '90 SC ...later might be different?)

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