im kinda scared now


Registered User
Hey guys, I know this is kinda touchy but oddly enough, the sccoa is the next place i like to talk about things with besides my family and friends. so frankly, im getting a little freaked about all this war stuff. Thinking about all the wars and battles that have already happened, all i can think about is death and innocent people dying. I just want to be able to know that we are safe here and there is not going to be another "civil war" (oh and what an oxymoron that is... a "CIVIL war") i want to hear some opinions about this as it kinda makes me feel better but i am seriously kinda scared, we all have other things to worry about then whether or not we are going to be able to wake up tomorrow morning without hearing explosions or seeing something horrible on tv. So what do guys think is gonna happen? (And if this raises too many touchy subjects or feelings feel free to delete this post.) Thanks to everyone for replying-
Damon, in 1995, I got a phone call at just a hair after 9:00am from a friend who asked" did you hear that?" a second or two after which I heard the Murrah building explosion. It took that long to displace the atmosphere and reach me, 18 miles away. A friend of mine lost his sister-in-law. When the tornado ripped through Oklahoma City in 99, a friend lost his house. Life is never totally secure but it isn't something that you should worry on a daily basis if you are going to be safe. We are as safe as our circumstances and our government can make us. Life is brief enough as it is. Our world could be in total peace and someone could lose control of a vehicle and someone might die. Enjoy your life as it progresses, enjoy the love of your family and friends, and live each day as full as you can. That is the absolute best you can do. And know that you have friends and family who care about you and you are not alone when you fear what the world can bring.

I hope this comforts you in a small way.
thank you

Thank you, you are right and i'm all about making the best you can. It's great to know that we are all together.
May God be with us all, every day, in every aspect of our lives he watches over us. When he wants you to come home he will call you home. No need to worry. May God bless all of us and watch over us and our families until he wants to see us agian. Have faith in that Greatwhite666.
It scares me too. I honestly believe we could be about to witness a very turbulent time.

Also, my brother may have to go to Iraq. He just got back from Afganistan 4 months ago. Now they will send his unit away again. I worry about him and I feel terrible for his three young boys.
Same deal with my brother. It seems like he just got back and now they want to send him over again. I don't like the thought all that much.
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