How can I tell if my SC belt is slipping w/ 10%?


Registered User
I posted yesterday about having the stock belt on my OD SC pulley. I was wondering what would be some symptoms of a slipping SC belt? Power drop-off? Is there anything else it may do, especially at higher RPMS's?


Look for black rubber shavings or black powdery substance around the pulley area. Also check the belt itself for signs of slippage, (the powerdy substance and/or shavings have to be coming from somewhere if they are there at all.)
As far as the power loss....what mods do you have because a stock or lightly modded setup WILL run out of cam relatively early (starting at like 4000 PRM and getting progressively more noticable) in the RPM range regardless of a 10% OD pulley on the blower.
turn your radio down and open the window. Punch it from a stop and listen as boost hits it's peak. If it's sqeeling, it's slipping.
Or you can buy some belt dressing. Note boost before and after, if it goes up then it's sliiping. I used to spray it on before I went to the track all the time.
Even with the best setup our belts are going to slip. The only way to really avoid belt slippage would be to go to a cog belt set up. Just do what I do, spray belt dressing on it on occasion or right before you go to the track.