for all thoes who watched bullrun


Registered User
i am very sorry to say that the show is now over but yet again the team i had picked for the win finnished first

team trans am was the winner and its the way it should have been
I don't agree with team trans am should have won. The brothers in the Olds got crap from every team on there and they really didn't do much to deserve it. And that includes Team Trans Am's dad messing with them. At first, I just didn't like them, but the more and more I saw that teams singled them out for no reason I was rooting for them. I also couldn't stand team F150. Honestly, I think the brothers deserved it more than any other team.

Anyways, it was a good series. I watched every single one and I hope they make another season.
I was cheering for the Olds team, I am an Olds fan as well as an SC fan. If they do run another season I would love to see a Super Coupe team!
I was hoping for the brothers for the same reasons as stated above.
Very good show. IF you missed it they are all archived in

Although the brothers seemed cocky at times they did nothing to hurt the other teams.

But def did not want the truck to win after ratting out the Lotus.
Oh well.
Ill send in a tape of my car next time around. Even if I get kicked off the first round it would be cool.