Am i a legit member?


Registered User
I have signed on as a free user a while back and have posted many things. Have been meaning to be a payed member but i was looking on SCP and they give members a $10 discount on specials. If this is so am i a legit member to recieve this discount? How can you tell want what not other than me not having a member page?
Gotta Pay Up...

To get the bennies of being a member you gotta pay. It is more than worth it IMO. Right now your member status is to view and reply only. I am pretty sure there is a list generated for these vendors that are handing out deals to members. So to make the list ya gotta pay.

I think it is only 15bux a year.

I know its only 15 bucks. thats when i saw that i can get $10 off a purchase than it would be worth it to become a member and it will really only cost my $5. Thanks for your help.