Boy Who Cried Wolf...35th went smashy

NO SEAS MAMADOR! dont sell it foo! Keep the faith brotha...ya si decides vender pues hechame first dibs con tus partes no seas gacho. :D ...cabron, parecemos cuervos!
Lee, you are in America now, speak spanish!

Pal resto de huitres! Si lo deseo vender entero le quito los bolt ons que no esten adentro del motor. Si lo deseo partir, y venderlo por partes, ya saben que uds son los primeros!

trans lated means

lets talk in spainish so the white guys think were talking about them .

and we will be lol

its all taco bell to me
no habla espanol specken zie deutch eign beir bittir
I'm glad you all know how to use the internet to translate German to English and vice versa, but for now "baciare la mia fine posteriore"