Update on our baby


Registered User
Had another visit tot he doctors today, from now till the baby is born we will be going once a week. Nice 1 hour drive each way, yippee. Anyways, we know that chromosome #4 has an extra piece of material on the one half, they were not sure where it came form, now they say its just an extra piece of #4 and not a piece of another chromosome. They are calling it 4Q+ which means its on chromosome #4 the Q stands for the long strand of the chromosome ( a chromoesome has a long and short piece to it, the short piece is R) and the + means it has extra material. The Genecsist (SP?) said they still don't know what will happen, but it most likely has to do with the development of the baby, either organs or brain, the organs and health of the baby all seem normal so we are looking at the brain now, this we won't know till later on. Again it could be something minor. She also told us that not all the baby's cells may have this defect, since they took the test from the amneotic fluid its not completely accurate of ALL the cells, once the baby is born they can take a blood sample to get an accurate test. Its quite possible only SOME of the cells have the flaw whereas the rest are FINE, that woudl be a good thing.

She also said there is not must history of 4Q+, only 3 cases in the past that she could find, she said its a rare defect, so that doesn't help with the diagnosis, but things are still hopeful, we are hoping for the best, the baby is healthy thats the main thing, the rest we can deal with, she said it could even be webbed feet or fingers, somethign simple like that, so we'll wait and see, but at least we know what they call it now and such. Once the baby is born they will check it over from head to toe and run many tests on it to see how healthy it actually is, less then 5 weeks to go, Due date is Jan9th but I am hoping for a new years baby! :D

...That sounds like some positive news!

Keep up the good spirits, and hope that all turns out well for you and the rest of the Sprout clan.

