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    • B
      bowez posted the thread Wheel speed sensors in Technical Forum.
      Does this sensor look bad? Was bent even worse before I straightened it. ABS light on and complaining about several speed sensors, may...
      • 20240918_110025.jpg
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      bowez posted the thread ICM differences? in Technical Forum.
      Was trolling Rockauto and noticed the ICMs at split 89-90 and 91-93 with a ~$80 difference (89-90 cheaper). I wasn't aware of there...
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      bowez replied to the thread Vacuum Leak.
      Ok then sounds like the only real solution is disassemble rebush it and add provision for o-rings. Not worth the effort I assume.
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      bowez posted the thread Vacuum Leak in Technical Forum.
      Getting ready to try to start my SC, now that balancer has been replaced, and did a smoke test. Well have 2 leaks 1 on by pass shaft...
    • B
      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Thanks Dave, I vaguely remember that post from years ago. .003" is tremendous, I'll have to see if the Dayco is only .0015" which for a...
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Long story, guy who had it didn't steal it (theft by receiving) but I was having issues, before all this happened, with the ignition so...
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Is it an interference fit, if so how much, should I use heat (boiling water) to ease with install, and actually use a install tool this...
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Double Post
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Got it stripped and balancer snout off. Question is how tight of a fit should have been? Thought I was going to need a 2/3 jaw puller...
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      bowez replied to the thread I've Recovered.
      Well I got the bolt out thanks to a drill guide and a LH drill. Other question, what is eveyone's opinion on fluid change. It was in...
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Got a guide bushing made and using 1/4" left hand drill bit. Been real fun so far on 2 resharpens and still not there yet. 100°F temps...
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      bowez replied to the thread Broken HB bolt tips.
      Just did some further looking and the balancer did brake on crank shaft... Suggestion?
    • B
      bowez posted the thread Broken HB bolt tips in Technical Forum.
      As state in the Non-Tech forum just got my SC back from being stolen and has a broken HB bolt. What are the good option on a New HB if...
    • B
      bowez posted the thread I've Recovered in Non Technical Forum.
      Well after a long hiatus, somewhere over 5yrs, yes I'm back. I know wasn't as active here as Tccoa but. Long story short I moved SC...
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