Search results

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    1990 Ford Thunderbird SC Turn Signal Issue

    I live in the north east and in a cold morning my turn signals don't work. The emergency flasher works fine when the turn signal is not working. On fairly warmer mornings the turn signals work fine, as they also do when the car warms up. I have owned this ca for about 20 years with out this...
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    New-to-me 35th 5-speed.

    SC 35th - 5-SPEED CAIFANSC Great car, wish you the best of luck. I am in dire need of a 1990 SC CRANKSHAFT POSITION SENSOR. my car is laid up in an auto repair shop. With your experience can you direct me to a source were I can obtain this item new or used. Your help would be greatly...
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    Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC

    Need a Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC. Please help. Ford parts dealer doesn't have one. ASPEDT2
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    PARTING OUT 11 SCs FROM 89-95

    Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC I need a Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC. Do you have a good one? ASPEDT2
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    Misc Parts for sale (early model)

    Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC I need a Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC. Do you have a good one? ASPEDT2
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    Crank shaft sensor needed for 1990 SC

    Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC Did you ever locate the Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC, I also need one too. ASPEDT2
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    Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC

    Need to buy a used Crank shaft position sensor for 1990 SC
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    Brake booster works only some time. what do I do?

    1990 T'Bird brake power booster relay This was replaced and lasted about a week. My mechanic is unable to locate another one. Any suggestions. Incidentally it was very expensive, about $300. I have no power brake assist. Can drive car at all.
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    Turn signals not fuctioning correctly

    1990 Ford T'Bird SC Signal Flasher Malfuctionn Should I replace the signal flasher relay, if so where is it located under the dash, 1990 Ford T'Bird SC
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    Turn signals not fuctioning correctly

    Turn signals not working correctly. With ignition on, motor off, left and right signals and hazardous flashers work fine. Start up engine hazardous flasher work but no response to either left or right signals. later in the day after several short trips left and right signals work perfect until...
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    1990 sc t'bird right front ABS Sensor

    I need a 1990 SC right front ABS Sensor. Local Auto Parts Stores do not stock this item. Where can I get this part.
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    Brake booster works only some time. what do I do?

    Power brake booster Thanks, my mechanic replaced the relay and that solved the problem. The relay switch was very hard to get, as most Ford dealers no lingered carried it
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    Brake booster works only some time. what do I do?

    1990 5 spd Thunderbird super coupe , owned for 25 years no problems. Today brake power assist failed, came back on after turning around to come home.. Fluids check okay. Afraid to drive, what needs replacing?
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    SC Engine cow noise when start up in cold weather

    I own a 1990 SC 5 spd for 25 years. 75K miles, car used on weekends only. This winter car kept outside. There is a fairly loud mooing noise (much like a cow) when first started up. Noise is only at idle and goes away after car warms up. Car is completely stock and has never had any repairs or...
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency Brake Handle - 1990 SC Manual Ken, I sent you $50 thru PAYPAL for a black emergency brake handle. Please contact me when you will send this to me.
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency Brake Handle - 1990 SC Manual Ken, Did you receive my $50 PAYPAL payment for the black emergency brake handle? If so, when will it be sent to me
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency Brake Handle - 1990 SC Manual How do I pay you with PAYPAL?
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency Brake Handle 1990 SC Black emergency brake handle $50 okay, how do I proceed with PAY PAL payment?
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency brake handle assembly Just what I need. Do you take PAYPAL
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    parting out 2 1990 supercoupes.....

    Emergency Brake Handle Does this happen to be black?