94 T-Bird SC "NO START", no fuel.


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No Start issuses:
94 SC, car starts, runs for 15mins and dies, won't restart and I don't hear the fuel pump cycling or running ( new fuel pump and fuel pick-up assembly.
Is the fuel pump relay control modual ( on the front radiator/header panel by the air box) a high failure part?
If I disconnect yhe battery for 15 mins and reconnect it the car will start and the issue is a replay.
That does seem strange that battery disconnect & reconnect seems to "reset" something & lets it run temporarly.
I can't see the IRCM(box by air filter) or the pump relay in trunk doing something like that. Possibly a security system
issue if it has 1 or the ECM. See what others here think, I'm interested to hear what you find.
That does seem strange that battery disconnect & reconnect seems to "reset" something & lets it run temporarly.
I can't see the IRCM(box by air filter) or the pump relay in trunk doing something like that. Possibly a security system
issue if it has 1 or the ECM. See what others here think, I'm interested to hear what you find.
I misread the 1st time, I thought it only ran 15 seconds before quitting not 15 minutes.
It's possibly something heat related, if it runs that long-crank sensor,DIS module, cam sensor
&/or related wiring harness's.
I thought my fuel pump went out in my 94 5spd but I figured out it was the fuel pump relay in the ICRM (that box your referring to) that went bad.

I added an external relay and all worked fine.
I thought my fuel pump went out in my 94 5spd but I figured out it was the fuel pump relay in the ICRM (that box your referring to) that went bad.

I added an external relay and all worked fine.
Thanks, I'm going to replace the ICRM and if that dosen't solve the problem, start looking at the SECURITY SYSTEM.
I didn't know there was a relay in the trunk, just the INERTIA SWITCH fuel pump shut down/off?
If it's not too much hassle at this point, can you check how long it will run if the gas cap is removed...

Something else I'd like to know is if there is any fuel left in the injector rail under pressure after the 15 minute magic number - find the Schrader valve on the rail and depress the center stem, like a tire's valve stem. This could lead to a spray of raw fuel, so safety first.
I once had a computer go bad (not saying your having same issue) at start up it would run fine good and strong 10 or so mins later like total garbage spent a month or more trying to figure it out ended being the computer possibly a consideration for if all else fails but would definitely suggest other test first