Love to see the XR-7! There aren't a ton of those around, either. I don't think I've seen that white SC, but there used to be another Anniversary Bird in disappeared a year or so ago. Hey, you need seat covers?
I went to Jamis (south side of Speedway, just east of Swan) to have the suede inserts in my car replaced. Couldn't get the same pig suede, nor did I want to. I suggested (and he concurred) that ultra-suede would be a good idea. Wears well, and it's washable. He did a terrific job, even duplicating the stitching. Can't do the perfs, of course, since ultra-suede is really cloth, but even with just the front seats done, it looks identical. The limo tint windows in back help, of course.
Sounds great? It is... One problem. For the two seats, the bill was $942.50. In February, 1999...