Head Gasket Blown

Head Gasket blew, What year was yours?

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1990/85,000trying to beat a honda would not go over 95 ka bam , then dreaded white smoke

lol, i was racing a old 5.0 cobra and had needle barried and it aslowy started slowing down so i braked down to like 55 crusied and knowticed a little missfire,so i gunned it up to lik 90ish and it missfired the whole way up then wouldnt go any faster and i looked behind me and i swear to god it made a seafoam job look like a cigarette compared to the cluod i was leaving..lol good thing noone was behind me because they would have been 100% blinded upto 30ft behind me..
i got it home and it never got above the O on th etemp gauge and still fires rite up but i gotta get the new hg's in..just am saving the money to pay for the help.
mine had 168xxx miles, 75mm tbody,42's,73mm c&l, all aluminum rad,3in intake and thats it. never even got to put my powqer pulley on.