I recommend copying the fields below and pasting it into your new thread. This is the minimum information REQUIRED to approve a new feedback post. This information is only required for the first post that is starting a new thread. If you are adding a post to an existing thread you need only to supply any additional new email addresses or new aliases the person may used to communicate with you and your comments.
Please use the Title/Subject field to put the person's real name.
Email Address: (multiple addresses allowed)
User Name: (On SCCoA Forums)
Vendor/Individual: (Use one or the other)
This forum is a post moderated forum so your post will not appear until we have reviewed and approved it.
Posting Rules:
Try to give as much information as possible to positively identify who is being reviewed. Also, please try to be as descriptive in your comments as possible. State the facts of your transaction in a clear and concise manner. Posts by persons not directly involved in transactions will NOT be approved. This forum is designed to encourage factual reviews and replies.
Bad language, name-calling and other unacceptable comments will not be approved. The moderators will edit posts as necessary before they are available on the board. No personal contact information about the parties involved will be published beyond the person's name, email addresses and board names of the individual or vendor being reviewed. This information is only published to help others identify who is being reviewed. This information will also allow easy searching of the forum when you have a question about a specific buyer/seller.
You may also request reviews in the forums if you cannot find a review. These will be made sticky and will be moved to the appropriate forums as reviews are added.
This is your chance to relate your experiences with buying and selling in a calm and professional way to help others on this board. Your feedback in these forums is greatly appreciated by all. This is an honor system, but will be closely monitored for any abuse of the forum.
Please use the Title/Subject field to put the person's real name.
Email Address: (multiple addresses allowed)
User Name: (On SCCoA Forums)
Vendor/Individual: (Use one or the other)
This forum is a post moderated forum so your post will not appear until we have reviewed and approved it.
Posting Rules:
Try to give as much information as possible to positively identify who is being reviewed. Also, please try to be as descriptive in your comments as possible. State the facts of your transaction in a clear and concise manner. Posts by persons not directly involved in transactions will NOT be approved. This forum is designed to encourage factual reviews and replies.
Bad language, name-calling and other unacceptable comments will not be approved. The moderators will edit posts as necessary before they are available on the board. No personal contact information about the parties involved will be published beyond the person's name, email addresses and board names of the individual or vendor being reviewed. This information is only published to help others identify who is being reviewed. This information will also allow easy searching of the forum when you have a question about a specific buyer/seller.
You may also request reviews in the forums if you cannot find a review. These will be made sticky and will be moved to the appropriate forums as reviews are added.
This is your chance to relate your experiences with buying and selling in a calm and professional way to help others on this board. Your feedback in these forums is greatly appreciated by all. This is an honor system, but will be closely monitored for any abuse of the forum.