Leather wrapped steerring wheel. ..


Registered User
I just picked up my steering wheel off of my 91 that I had wrapped in leather with red baseball stitching...It looks a piece of art work,..too beautiful to put on the car...What do you guys think????image.jpgimage.jpg
The pictures don't really do it justice....The stitching is in red.....The guy that did it is local to me and is willing to do anyone's SC wheel for $250.00 +shipping...Of course,if there are any additional labor or materials,the cost goes up...His website is www.leatherwheels.com....
Thanks for sharing. I didn't know they could do that. The craftsmanship looks very, very good. I've heard also of getting other luxury upgrades like heated seats from upholsterers, but I haven't actually seen any.
Wow, that looks INCREDIBLE!! I always loved the pre-airbag SC wheel design and it looks 10x better wrapped in leather.
Thanks for the replies and comments....I went to high school with this guy and had no idea that he was doing stuff like this....I'm gonna have him do my F150 and my Expedition when I have time
Wow, that looks INCREDIBLE!! I always loved the pre-airbag SC wheel design and it looks 10x better wrapped in leather.

Totally agree...much more original and SC-specific. I also always liked the way the steering wheel is thicker than the 94+ cars. That's actually why I got the FRPP steeringwheel I currently have in my 95. Much better grip.

Awesome work by that guy.
Does he just do wraps or can he re-foam the wheel as well? I really want to add a set of thumbgrips to the stock SC wheel like the Cobra 10th anniversary one. The only route I've found so far is just get an aftermarket wheel for a Mustang.
Does he just do wraps or can he re-foam the wheel as well? I really want to add a set of thumbgrips to the stock SC wheel like the Cobra 10th anniversary one. The only route I've found so far is just get an aftermarket wheel for a Mustang.

He can do some modifications,but the best thing to do is contact him by email or even give him a call...U can tell him that " Bryce " posted the website on this forum...That way He will know that I referred people to him....Don't worry,I'm not getting a commission....
I've seen this before some where, not sure where.. Probably instagram, it looks good but it's expensive
Looks gorgeous! I like it way better than those rubber steering wheel covers from AutoZone
I have a spare SC steering wheel (from my late-uncle's SC) that I was thinking about mounting on a wall ;)
This wheel looks like it should be hanging on a wall...I'm thinking of doing the shifter,the console lid,and e-brake handle having it all stitched in red like the wheel is....
This wheel looks like it should be hanging on a wall...I'm thinking of doing the shifter,the console lid,and e-brake handle having it all stitched in red like the wheel is....

If you do, please let us see the end result too :)
Well if anyone has any questions like matching other items,shoot him an email or call the number off of his website. ...As far as seeing my finished product,it's gonna be a little while...I'm still putting the car back together after a complete repaint,and while I'm at it I'm doing an AOD to 4R70W swap...This car should be SWEET when it's all said and done.
That's an awesome job! Normally, I'm not a leather steering wrap guy, but considering the leather wrap on the console shift knob--and the era of these cars--something about it screams for a leather wrap.