Is there a easier way to find a spot to check for voltage?121 is TPS signal out of normal range (could be high or low).
Verify reference voltage is correct. With sensor plugged in & key on engine off measure between orange wire & black. Should be 5V. Next check return voltage. With throttle closed( idle) between black & green wire it should be less then 1Volt .9 preferred. Slowley open throttle to full it should rise smoothly to 4.8V.
157 is MAF return signal voltage is low or most likely shorted to ground. ( below .4 volts) Reference voltage for this should be 12-14 V. Red to black with sensor plugged in. Return should be 1.2 engine off.
185 is also a MAF code for low voltage compared to TPS signal (lower then expected air flow compared to current throttle postition.
It is damaged & could be part of ( or all) the problems you're having. , but I'm not sure what that single wire is for? It looks like it could be shielded wire, or its been repaired before.This wire looks damaged can that be the problem?
I agree, both sides of this connector will need some attention.I noticed this connecter next to the obd1 port looked corroded I put some electrical grease on it but I think it needs to get cleaned.
It can be tested at ECU, but would need to find out the pin #s in the connectorIs there a easier way to find a spot to check for voltage?
What year is yours? I may have . Not sure how much they changed from year to year.I replaced the connector but it didn’t fix the problem. I took off the connector for the ecu and it has corrosion. I’ll try cleaning this off but I’ll need help identifying the wires for the connector on the ecu.