Ohio Chapter

TChicken59 I am from Cleveland and I would like to join. How do I go about this and what do I need.

Where from cleveland are you? I live in parma heights, maybe we could meet up sometime. Get ahold of xr7dave and have him add you to the ohio list of emails.
timab19884 said:
I'm interested but i'm in Trenton near middletown. Please include me in your e-mails and let me know what to do.

What color is your sc? Do you ever go to the races at white castle?
I live in Canton.

Its warm outside now, snow is all gone for the year :)

Do you guys go anywhere, do anything??
Count me in, and cause im large and in charge my vote counts as 2
youngstown ohio here... i'd be in for this... why doesn't ohio have a chapter yet? Aren't a lot of big guys from ohio? Isn't Super Coupe Performance based in southern ohio? Why do we have to be all regionalized, why not the whole state?
We have been trying to set up an Ohio Chapter for some time now. Problem is that there is a large concentration of members in the Cincy area and a large concentration in the Cleveland area. Both are so far apart that it is rare that we can ever get together.

It is more common for the us northerners to have people from PA or MI drop by than it is to have someone from Cincy come up. Of course we don't come down there either - heck it's like 5.5 hrs drive from my house to Cincinnati.

I think from a logistics end of things it is better to have a northern Ohio chapter or "Lake Erie Chapter" and maybe "Tri-State Chapter" based out of Cincinnati.

Just my idea. :)