Oil Drain Plug


Registered User
So changing the oil today. Went to purchase a new drain plug for the 95 SC, AT... all stock car no aftermarket parts so far. All the websites: i.e. Amazon and Rock Auto call for the 12MM 1.5. I purchased it and it is too small and just slides right into the hole. Anyone know which one is correct?

I have a plug here...
it measures a tad under 24mm...
let me know if it will work for you...


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I have a plug here...
it measures a tad under 24mm...
let me know if it will work for you...
When I measured the threads it showed 14MM. All the websites say I need a 12MM. For now, I just put the original one back in. I wonder if the websites are all wrong or I got a different pan? There are 14MM X 1.5 ones available, but the website says it does not fit my application. Weird.
Why the need for a new one, is it stripped or leaking. If it's stripped is it the bolt or the pan or both, if it's leaking you can replace the washer.
There was a small drip. Probably from the metal washer that was on there. Washer looked normal, not bent or anything. It is almost 30 years old as far as I know. I've had the car 12 years and have used the same plug every time I change it.
Maybe there's a small crack in the oil pan around the hole that's hard to see. That happened to my 1990 SC about 15 years ago and the pan crack had to be welded.
I will look into that. For now, I pulled the plug and drained the pan. I will use a small amount of oil resistant RTV instead of the washer to see what happens.

Just get some crush washers at the auto parts store. Copper works ok, but the original is nylon. Just snug it.