Re-use a BHJ Balancer


Registered User
Hello SCCOA, I have searched and read a few different opinions and I do feel that the consensus is not to re use a balancer. But I had put a BHJ in my 94 a few years ago. Ran it for less than 500 miles and stopped driving the car due to body rust issue. With so little miles would any of you feel comfortable or have real experience with trying to re use a BHJ balancer? I understand needing to use a new center bolt regardless. But I'd love to use my bhj i spent 450 on at the time and not have to buy another for the now 725 they run. I will most likely use the economy balancer from SCP if the more experienced members steer me away from re using the low mile BHJ. So has anyone had good experience with a used BHJ?
I don't see a problem with using it. Especially with that low of mileage & a new bolt.
Just my oppinion though, see what others here think.
Hello SCCOA, I have searched and read a few different opinions and I do feel that the consensus is not to re use a balancer. But I had put a BHJ in my 94 a few years ago. Ran it for less than 500 miles and stopped driving the car due to body rust issue. With so little miles would any of you feel comfortable or have real experience with trying to re use a BHJ balancer? I understand needing to use a new center bolt regardless. But I'd love to use my bhj i spent 450 on at the time and not have to buy another for the now 725 they run. I will most likely use the economy balancer from SCP if the more experienced members steer me away from re using the low mile BHJ. So has anyone had good experience

I don't see a problem with using it. Especially with that low of mileage & a new bolt.
Just my oppinion though, see what others here
Appreciate the feedback guys. I'm gonna go ahead and buy the HB tool and give it a go! Luckily there are some great writeups on here about the job, and I recently notice more members posting their videos on YouTube which is also a huge help for me and the community. So hats off to those folks as well.
I have a BHJ that came on an SC I bought years ago. I swapped the engine in that car, and transferred the balancer to the new engine, which was fine until an unfortunate incident with a quick lube place, and then it got transferred to the engine I built for my 90 XR7, which routinely sees 6k rpms. So that balancer has been on no less than 3 engines, and I have done probably 60k miles on it, plus however many miles were on it before, and it is showing no signs of any damage or wear. So go ahead and re-use away.